
Annika Staberg

COO and Project Manager


+46 (0)31-711 27 93


Languages I would like to learn:

Italian – it’s so charming, emotional, and sounds so beautiful!


Favourite quotation:

“Make it work!”
S. Frangos
Organisation, teamwork and service

Working as a project manager is largely about being logical and organised, and having good communication abilities in an international environment. I especially enjoy getting to grips with exciting new projects, with the ultimate goal of making the customer as happy as possible. In order to handle so many projects at the same time we work in teams and help each other out.


As a production manager, one of my tasks is to spread the workload as evenly as possible across the company. I’m convinced that the recipe for success is being organised, collaborating with colleagues, customers and suppliers, and always striving to deliver the standard of service and quality that you yourself would like to receive.